an initiative of

We aim to Build Up our existing facility to enable us to
Reach Out to the communities around us.

Note from Pastor Phil
We are all about guiding people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Over the past three years, we’ve seen hundreds moving into a new or thriving relationship with Jesus as we’ve grown from 150 engaged in weekend services to now 700. Our Sanctuary and Kids Quest rooms are pushing capacity each weekend and our teens can’t even fit in their Youth Room as God continues to draw people to himself.
In response to his great grace to us, we are embarking on a two-year generosity initiative we’re calling Build Up to Reach Out. There are thousands around us who don’t yet know the transforming grace of God. He has laid on our heart the need to Build Up our facilities so that we can better Reach Out to the communities around us.
I invite you to explore further here what God has in store for us and to prayerfully consider how his Spirit is calling you to be involved in making this life-transforming vision a reality.
Phil Fuller, Lead Pastor
“One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty. A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.”
Making room to receive those God is bringing our way.
More than anything, we want to see everyone who calls RMCC their home church prayerfully engage in the vision God has laid on our heart.
Together, we will raise $3.5 million in pledges and gifts to make the necessary renovations to our facility so that we can continue reaching the surrounding communities for Jesus. We have seeded $1 million in building reserves.

In the end, it’s not about finances or facilities; it’s about our formation as we’re built up in God’s grace so that we can reach out with his gospel.
4.5 x GROWTH
Since 2021, our church attendance has grown by 4.5x and our budget has nearly doubled.
We will begin renovations in 6-8 months.
We are re-configuring 2/3 of our existing building adding 100 more seats per worship service.
We are expanding the children’s ministry area by 50%, and enlarging the youth ministry area.