916-354-0401 office@rmchurch.org

Make a Commitment

“Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” II Corinthians 9:6-12

The Invitation

I am asking you to prayerfully join me in our two-year Build Up to Reach Out campaign. You can join in two ways: First, pray. Pray for the lost around you. Pray for that family member, that friend, that coworker or neighbor who doesn’t yet know Jesus. And pray for our church as we seek to Build Up so that we can reach that person God has placed on your heart.The second way to get involved is to invest in God’s work here.

Some of you already give generously and sacrificially to God’s work in and through RMCC—and just look at how God is using your investment! Some of you haven’t yet started your giving journey with RMCC and this is a great time to join in and have a front-row seat to see how God can use your gifts. I’m asking you today to make a ‘faith promise.’ A faith promise is a commitment to give to God’s work here over and above your regular giving to reach our goal of $3.5 million. This is not a commitment of resources today, but a faith promise, trusting God to provide the resources over the course of this two-year campaign with our church.

As you make this commitment, you’re making an investment that will pay eternal dividends as God continues his transforming work in and through our church.

Gifts in Kind


Transferring ownership of an asset, rather than selling the asset and giving the cash, is a gift-in-kind.


• Appreciated investment property held more than one year, such as stocks, mutual fund shares, bonds, real estate, business interests, collectibles, and other such property may have tremendous tax advantages.

Other Assets*
• Gifting of personal property such as automobiles, jewelry, boats, airplanes, motorcycles, etc. when sold produce no tax benefit if given directly to the church, unless they have appreciated collectible value. (See Other Asset Strategies section.)
*Please check with the church first to make sure these types of gifts are acceptable


• Giving the asset directly to the church, which the church can then sell, may eliminate potential capital gains taxes to the donor, and may increase the after-tax proceeds available to donate to the church.


• You may be subject to capital gains taxes, thereby reducing the after-tax proceeds from the sale. Donating the asset itself to the church may eliminate the capital gains tax, thereby increasing the amount of the gift.


To make donations of any Gifts-in-Kind or Appreciated Assets, please contact the church at (916) 354-0401 for detailed instructions.

Cash Flow Strategies

Increase Frequency

A person can give significantly by giving smaller amounts at higher frequencies. Weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly giving allows large gifts to be reached in smaller steps.

Reduce Expenses

Freeing up funds currently going to other areas of spending allows for increased giving. For example, diverting funds from entertainment, dining out, dues, subscriptions, gifts, allowances, utilities, or transportation offers lifestyle adjustments that will impact one’s giving.

Delay Expenditures

The delaying of major purchases, such as a car or trip allows for significant increased giving.

Dedicate Income Sources

You might dedicate income from certain sources, such as interest, rental property payments, an annuity, consulting or from a particular line of business.

Create New Income Streams

Maybe you have marketable hobbies or skills, from which you could give new profits. Alternatively, one may take a second part time job to increase income.

Dedicate Future Receipts

Dedicating forthcoming raises, bonuses and income tax refunds is a creative method to increase giving.

Freedom From Debt

If a current source of debt is near maturity, consider redirecting those—already allocated—funds to giving.

Charitable Giving Resources

Reviewing all of one’s charitable donations in light of their impact on the Kingdom of God affords a potential resource.

Other Asset Strategies

Sale or Gift of Other Assets or Personal Property

Donating the following kinds of assets/personal property directly to the church does not provide any tax benefits, and giving the asset directly to the church would encumber the church with the burden of selling it. Therefore, it is suggested you sell or cash in the following kind of asset first, then donate the proceeds to the church.

You may find that you do not need all of one or more of the following types of assets, which could be given to the church or sold and proceeds used as a gift:
• Car, boat, golf cart, airplane, RV, etc.
• Savings account or certificate of deposit (CD)
• Annuity or life insurance policy


People aged 70.5 or older can transfer up to $100,000 from their IRAs to charity tax free. These IRA rollover gifts count toward the required minimum distribution (RMD).


Charitable gift annuities provide the opportunity to make a donation to the church… and receive income from that donation for the remainder of your life. Parts of the gift and the annual income are usually tax deductible. If interested we will connect you with the Orchard Alliance who will advise and manage such donations.


If you have low yielding funds, your financial advisor may be able to recommend a higher yielding investment to generate more funds from which to give.

Real People. Real Impact.

As we chase the vision that God has put on our hearts, more than anything, we want everyone to experience God’s grace through participation in generous giving. So our goal is to see 100% engagement from those that call RMCC their home. Often, we limit our participation to the obvious sources of funds (current income), but there are many creative ways to give of our treasures as we work together to Build Up to Reach Out.

The following suggestions may stimulate new ideas as you process ways to participate. (Note that any discussion of tax treatment should not be considered tax advice. Please consult your tax professional for advice on your tax position.

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