916-354-0401 office@rmchurch.org


Listen to the vision of RMCC through Pastor Phil’s Build Up to Reach Out teaching series.

FAQ Flyer

We hope the enclosed Q&A about the project will be helpful as you seek to learn more about the initiative.


Pray first. We ask that you pray for God’s leading in this project and that we completely surrender to his guiding in this season.

Spread the Word

Access the Build Up to Reach Out Brochure that has photos, details, and more information about the capital campaign. 

Build Up Reach Out Teaching Series

We launched this two-year campaign in April 2024 and expect to wrap it up by May 2026. If you missed any of the messages behind the vision of the campaign, you can access them on our YouTube playlist. 


What is Build Up to Reach Out?

Build Up to Reach Out is an initiative to ensure that—as a church family—we are prepared to receive those who God brings our way. It includes a new capital campaign to support funding of a major renovation, space expansion and technology upgrade at the existing RMCC site. While the Build Up to Reach Out funds will be used to help provide for our growing facility needs, the heart of the effort is truly about growing disciples and ensuring that we are ready and well-equipped to do so.

Why are we undertaking this project now?

God is working in mighty ways at RMCC, including bringing more people who are seeking Jesus through our doors each week. Since 2021, our church has grown from 150 in weekend worship attendance to 700 (600 in person/100 viewing virtually) each weekend. Our Kids Quest classrooms, Youth room and Sanctuary are regularly over capacity and if we don’t tackle this challenge now, we’ll see our opportunities to reach those around us diminish because we don’t have space for them. This project will ensure that we have room for all—both now and into the future—as we build up our facilities to reach out with the gospel. The expansion will allow us to continue reaching out to those around us and to welcome them well.

What is involved with the renovation, and what will we gain by it?

As we Build Up our facility in the coming year, we will gain additional seats in the sanctuary, while increasing our Kids Quest capacity by 50%. We will also open more adequate spaces for our youth ministry, Growth Groups, prayer and counseling. In our current building, we have about 10,000 sq. ft. not currently used for ministry that—when renovated— will position us to thrive on this site for many years to come.


Our Sanctuary will expand from 250 to 370 seats total, allowing us to realistically welcome over 1,000 in weekend worship services. Our technology will also improve to help us continue discipling the 100+ who join us each weekend online. We will have a new youth ministry room that will accommodate our teens. It will include warm breakout spaces for youth, as well as other groups who meet at the church to connect, grow, and pray. Additionally, we will open up the lobby to provide a better welcome area for our guests and we will build on behind the sanctuary to give us some much-needed storage space.


We will have a welcoming landing where children can check into one of our 12 Kids Quest classrooms. We will also have a Kids Quest Quad that will accommodate our children in one large space for worship, singing, dancing, and other activities. In addition to these kids’ ministry spaces, we will also create a counseling space to facilitate local Christian counseling.

What is the total amount we are aiming to raise through this capital campaign?

The total budget for this expansion is $4,500,000. Through your overflowing generosity and the stellar stewardship of our church leadership, we already have $1,000,000 in our building fund to get us started. This leaves a total of $3,500,000 to raise in the next two years.

What is the anticipated breakdown of estimated expenses?

Our main priorities for this project are:
• Construction $3,545,000
• Audio, Video & Lighting $450,000
• Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment $150,000
• Site Work & Kids Quest Backyard $130,000
• Contingency $200,000
• Campaign Costs $25,000

What is the timeframe and hopeful completion date of this project?

We are launching this two-year campaign in April 2024 and expect to wrap it up by May 2026. Our building team has been actively working to solidify the design and enlist the right contractors for this project. We expect to begin construction in the spring of 2025 with a goal of completing the construction in late 2025. The project upstairs and downstairs—should take about six months to complete.

Are we going to be able to remain debt-free as we accomplish this project?

We celebrate the fact that we have been debt-free since finishing our last major project in 2020. It is our desire to  continue to be a debt-free church, enabling maximum budget resources to be poured into ministry.  That said, in light of the urgency to keep up with our growing ministry, we expect that we will need a short-term loan during construction.  God willing we will be paying off the full cost of the project at the completion of the campaign. 


How can I get involved?

Pray first. We ask that you pray for God’s leading in this project and that we completely surrender to his guiding in this season. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for all—including church leadership, staff, our Governing Board, the building committee and more—who are directly involved in bringing this project to fruition. Finally, we ask that you prayerfully consider what overflowing generosity looks like for you to personally invest in this Build Up to Reach Out campaign. Please consider how God may be calling you to give to and through this campaign to reach others.

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